Evergreen – an interesting group exhibition showcases potential and meaningful pieces from top artists including Ha Nguyen Tri (Tri Rom). The event will take place at the Ho Chi Minh City Museum of Fine Arts from June 4 to June 10.
The EverGreen exhibition of artists includes: Lieu Nguyen Huong Duong, Tran Lam Binh, Ly Ngoc Hai, Luu Tuyen, Ha Nguyen Tri, Pham Thanh Toan, Nguyen Dinh Vu and Le Vo Tuan.
Lieu Nguyen Huong Duong was part of Apple Start Something New Campaign
In June 1966, in Smithsonian, Washington, Al Capp, a cartoonist stated that “abstract art is the product of vertigo, sold by unscrupulous people to the insane”.
26 years later, in June 2022, at Vietnam’s Ho Chi Minh City Museum of Fine Arts, a group of 8 artists with similar concern, mixed the word “A product of the untalented – the product of incompetence” – to presenting “Evergreen” paintings with many genres: Abstract, Semi-Abstract and Realistic…
Ha Nguyen Tri was born in 1969 and is probably the oldest painter in the group. In 2022, the artist returns spectacularly with a number of works reaching international levels such as the Nordart.de group exhibition at Germany or draw the NEA.gov group in the US.

Tri brought the Evergreen exhibition with 3 works: Men And Food I (available here), Sealing (available here) and Pupée (sold). At the same time, Ha Nguyen Tri currently has 2 works present at the Nordart exhibition which also opened this morning in Germany.
The exhibition is covered on many local news:
- https://saigonbiz.com.vn/hoa-si-ha-nguyen-tri-tham-gia-trien-lam-evergreen/
- https://thanhnien.vn/hoa-si-ha-nguyen-tri-toi-no-nghe-thuat-1851471430.htm
- https://menandlife.com.vn/trong-nuoc/trien-lam-tranh-evergreen-cua-nhom-8-hoa-si-tai-tphcm-2762.html
Originally posted 2022-06-04 09:51:43.