How To Use ‘Room Viewer’ On Flamingo?

For items such as paintings which you can hang on the wall, Flamingo provides a ‘Room Viewer’ function so that you can easily visualize the artwork on our prepared wall backgrounds or on your uploaded room background.

If you have not noticed this awesome function yet, let’s figure it out now!

room viewer
Here is a normal product page on, for eg. the Frogman painting by Ha Nguyen Tri

To start, you simply click on the button ‘Room Viewer’

room viewer on flamingo
A pop-up with different room backgrounds will be displayed. Choose one that you like!

You also have an option to upload your own room. Remember to enter the room size by width x height.

view wall art
Scroll down a bit and click on the painting’s thumbnail. The size is already there so you don’t have to click. However, please click the correct dimension should it not be chosen already.

Then you may modify the wall color. Just drag around to match the color with your bedroom’s wall color, perhaps?
Voila! With simple steps, you now can visualize the artwork on wall.
flamingo gallery
You may drag the item around the wall to position it properly.

That’s it! Change the background presets or upload your own room backgrounds to get the best view of the wall art. We hope this short yet illustrative tutorial will help you get started with the ‘Room Viewer’ function.

Should you need to talk to us, please drop a line at [email protected]. Thank you!

Originally posted 2022-09-27 23:59:21.

3 thoughts on “How To Use ‘Room Viewer’ On Flamingo?”

  1. Interesting plugin; however, it seems that the wall (the room) is much bigger than the paintings. You may like to check that again.


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