Featured on VOH: Technology Takes Wings for Art


Thanks to an open interview between Tran Tri Nhan (eMBA) and VOH, Flamingo has been mentioned on the Saigon Morning News. VOH (Voice of Ho Chi Minh City) is the official state-owned radio broadcasting station of Ho Chi Minh City.

Link to listen (in Vietnamese): https://radio.voh.com.vn/sai-gon-buoi-sang/cong-nghe-chap-canh-cho-nghe-thuat-thang-hoa-va-lan-toa-sai-gon-buoi-sang-19-2-2023-467791.html

The interview shares new updates about NFT (non-fungible token) and its applications to art. Flamingo has an interesting approach to bundle both physical paintings and collectibles with digital NFTs. You may find our collection in Shop.

To read more:

At Flamingo, we hope to bring more values to people in terms of art and technology. Talk with us today; drop us a line at [email protected]!

Originally posted 2023-02-20 15:55:21.

About Flamingo

Flamingo is an innovative asset-backed NFT trading platform which connects arts and collectibles enthusiasts. Drop us a line at [email protected].

6 thoughts on “Featured on VOH: Technology Takes Wings for Art”

  1. Blockchain and NFT gonna have a long way to go. Just stick to providing a bundle of physical art and digital NFT is good enough (now). Good luck, birds

  2. Hay lắm! Chúc các sản phẩm NFT Việt Nam như One Magic School và Flamingo phát triển mạnh mẽ.

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